Avocado is my fave fruit

Avocado is my favorite fruit. I love its melts- in-the-mouth texture and distinct taste. I favor a bit of its bitter aftertaste because for me, it is where its flavor lies. *hehehe*

Fortunately, my uncle, who resides in Lipa, supply us with avocado every peak season.   He brings only those maniba lang (slightly ripe) avocado to ensure longer shelf life which implies days of  “avocado heaven”  for me and my mom. ^_^

My mom put the maniba lang avocados in open containers which are placed  in a cool and dry area to avoid accumulation of moisture. The avocados with darker, maroonish-colored, and softer  skin are then placed in the refrigerator to chill.


Since I am lazy in terms of food prep and I value less time preparing meals and longer time eating, I prefer the easiest-to-do avocado dish. Actually, I am not meticulous on whether or not I scooped the avocado flesh evenly or if I also scraped the veins. Poor platting? Okay, I am guilty as charged.

Anyway, back to simple dish.  I love chilled avocados served with powdered milk and/or with crushed ice and a tad of  sugar.  *Yummy*

Well, I will not complain if I will have this dish as dessert three times a day. *hehehe*

However, during non-peak months (which is about 9 months in the Philippines) I am compelled to settle with avocado smoothies (you know, those with less avocado and more crushed ice). But its better than nothing, right?

BTW, there are lots of avocado recipes. Its nutritional value can not be contested too.  It should be noted that avocado is not just a yummy food, there are other benefits that can be derived from it including beauty products like facial masks.


How about you, what is your favorite fruit?

3 Comments on “Avocado is my fave fruit”

  1. witsandnuts says:

    I like the cold peeled avocados with milk over it.

  2. toni says:

    Oh I love avocados. Lalo na ice candy style. Mmmm. Like you I put milk and ice. Refreshing no matter what season!

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